Protect What Protects You!
Patent Pending

Steel Video Doorbell Security Enclosures.
At DoorbellGuard, we are committed to protecting your Smart Video Doorbell investment. Shop our line of Doorbell Guards.
Thieves and vandals in your area may render your device useless. DoorbellGuard LLC has the solution.
14 Ga Galvenized Steel Enclosure.
Security Torx Screws and Bit (Included).
Durable Powder Coating.
All sensors tested and functioning
Additional (larger) mounting holes for increased security.
Our product is the only steel guard and only available through Doorbell Guard LLC. Please don't be fooled by other cheap plastic products on the market.
Say Hello to the NEW Universal Doorbell Guard!

Coupon code "Protect" at checkout recieve $5 off.
New White Powder Coating color now available for all Doorbell Guards. White color has been proven to reflect sunlight and lower the temperature of your device!
Smart Doorbell rated temperature -5ºF to 120ºF. Tests have shown on average 5ºF lower temperatures using our White Doorbell Guard vs no protection.